Title: House of Exile
Author: DM
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Katims, Metz and the WB. No infringement is intended.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: In the House Of Exile people are forced to rely only on each other for what's important. Friendship.

Part 1

Max Evans squinted his eyes at the clock on the side of the coffee maker as he poured himself a cup. The bitter taste filled his mouth and he was awake. Well, awake enough to hunt for the sugar and Tabasco. He heard the soft footsteps and turned. Liz Parker buttoned up her lover’s shirt as she walked into the kitchen.

“So you decided to stay last night?” Max grinned, his voice startling her.

“Oh! You scared me Max.” Liz’s head snapped up. “I woke up by myself. I didn’t think you’d be awake already.”

“Well, considering how late I went to bed... I’m surprised I’m functioning... especially with the split eardrums.” He teased her.

“Well, my ears were met with some pretty harsh sounds last night as well.” Liz hopped up on the counter. Grinning, he leaned on the counter next to her.

“Yeah, well, I do try.”

“Uh huh... so... have you talked to *anyone*?” Liz whispered.

“Isabel’s still not speaking to me.” Max hung his head. Liz wrapped her arms around him. “Neither is Dad... Mom calls me when she can. She doesn’t want them to know she’s still talking to me.”

“I’m sorry Max.” She kissed his forehead. “Not talking to me either.”

“Sorry Liz.” Max pulled away a little and planted a sweet kiss on her lips.

“Hey! You want to get your lips off my girl.” Michael Guerin strolled into the kitchen already dressed for work at the local high school.

“Whatever you say man.” Max backed away. Michael replaced Max in his position in front of Liz.

“Good morning.” He kissed her gently.

“Good morning.” She wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “How’d you sleep?”

“Like a baby.” He growled and slid his hands up her legs, spreading them, so he could stand between them.

“Yeah? That’s good cause I did too.” She kissed him deeply. His hands ran under his shirt to feel her soft skin.

“Excuse me. I’m still here.” Max waved his coffee cup around. It was a little annoying the way they blocked everything else out once they got going.

“Go get your own.” Michael groaned and pulled his hands away.

“That can be arranged.” An arm slipped across Max’s chest.

“You up to it Valenti?” Max smirked. Kyle Valenti turned his lover around and engaged him in a deep kiss.

“Some of us are about to eat... so... cut it out.” Michael spoke loudly.

“You cut it out Michael.” Liz hopped off the counter and opened the fridge.

“I’m sorry but I’m still getting used to this.”

“They’re you’re housemates... have been... so deal with it.” Liz handed him the eggs, peppers and ham. “Make me an omelet.”

“It’s just... one’s my best friend and the other was my mortal enemy.” Michael sighed.

“How do you think I feel? They’re both my exes. Both of their tongues have been in my mouth, their hands up my blouse...” Michael cut her off with his mouth.

“You don’t have to worry about that now. I’m not going to join them.” Michael rolled his eyes when he turned and the two men were still going at it. Finally, they broke apart.

“Okay, coffee and toothpaste don’t mix.” Max grimaced at the after taste in his mouth.

“Morning Parker... Guerin finally get you into bed?” Kyle smirked at them.

“Well it’s something that you were never able to do.” Liz shot back at him. She was chopping up the ingredients for Michael.

“Yeah man, missed out.” Michael watched his girl blush. He cracked the eggs into a pan. Then lifted a finger in Max’s general direction. “Maxwell, shut up. I don’t want to hear it.”

“Don’t worry baby, he doesn’t have anything on you.” Liz reassured him with a kiss on the nose. “Hey make enough for everyone.”

“If they want eggs they can make their own.” Michael glanced at her. “You want to go get dressed?”

“Nope. I am perfectly comfortable and I don’t have class until later today.” Liz sat herself at the table to read the paper that Kyle had brought in.

“Max, don’t you have that hearing in like two hours?” Kyle poured himself a cup of coffee.

“Shit! You’re right. I’m gonna get dressed now.” Max swallowed down the rest of his coffee and ran from the room.

“Okay. I saw it.” Kyle sat next to Liz at the table. “When is it going down?”

Liz flashed a smile at Michael. “I was thinking August. Michael?”

“We’ll do this however you want to. If you left it up to me, I’d drive us down to city hall after work today.” Michael shrugged.

“Fancy ring, Guerin. No one’s going to believe you could afford that on a teacher’s salary.” Kyle picked up Liz’s hand to examine the rock.

“That’s cause I made it. I did the Superman thing with a lump of coal.” Liz laughed.

“We might as well go to the JP, Michael. How many of our friends will be there if we had a wedding?” She sighed and got serious. “My dad thinks you’re great but my mom hates you. Alex isn’t speaking to us because Isabel isn’t speaking to Max and we still are. Tess is pissed... not that we’d want her there but I’m just making a point.”

“How about I get all the paperwork together? Then when you’ve told everyone that you think will come, we’ll set a date to go to that little chapel on the reservation.” Michael set her plate in front of her.

“It sounds nice.” Liz kissed him softly.

“What sounds nice?” Max walked in putting on his tie.

“Our ex-girlfriend is all grown up and getting married.” Kyle wiped a fake tear from his eye.

“Really? Congratulations guys.” Max smiled at the couple.

“Okay. I’ll make the guest list. Max, Kyle, Mom, Dad. I’m done.” Liz picked up her fork to eat. “Oh and Jose, Milton... is that okay Max?”

“Sure, I still talk to him. He likes you. How about Agnes?”

“I’ll pray she dies first.” Liz made a face. “Kyle... how about your dad?”

“What dad? I don’t have a dad. I’m an orphan.” Kyle got up and left the room.


Max flopped onto his bed facedown.

“How’d the hearing go?”

Max tugged at his tie holding it up over his head like a noose.

“It wasn’t that bad, right?” Kyle settled next to him.

“It was worse.” Max leaned on his elbows so he could see Kyle. “He’s not getting a trial.”

“Poor kid.” Kyle laid back. “On to lighter subjects. Lizzie.”

“She’s happy. He’s the one that makes her happy.” Max rolled onto his side.

“That’s not what I’m talking about. I’ll be specific. You and Liz.” Kyle’s blue eyes held something that Max had glimpsed at before but had never stayed long enough to be defined.

“What about me and Liz?”

“Do you still like... love her?”

“Of course I do.” Max said immediately then realized it was the wrong thing to say. “Liz and I as a couple are long over. You of all people should know that. We’re best friends.”

“With carnal knowledge of each other.”

“True...” He drifted off. “Not like I miss those days, Kyle. Michael’s good for her. I’m happy for them.” He reached out and took Kyle’s hand. “I’m happy with you.”


“I’m just not comfortable with it Liz.” Michael buttoned up her shirt for her.

“Why not? It’s not like we’re in love anymore.” Liz protested.

“Him kissing you just makes me a little... crazy.”

“It’s harmless. I was with Max for three years. Those kind of habits are hard to break.” Liz sighed. “I’ll talk to him. We’ll cut it out, I promise.”

“Thank you. Now... are you leaving like that?” He pointed to her mussed hair.

“I’ll fix it when I get home.” Liz slipped on her shoes and ran out the door. “Call me later!”

She opened the front door only to run straight into Philip Evans. “Good Evening, Liz. I assume Max is in.”

“Yeah, I think he just got home. Come in?” Liz backed out of the doorway.

“I’m glad to see he came to his senses.” The older man nodded at her rumpled appearance.

“Uh, no. I was here to see Michael. Have a seat and I’ll see if Max is home.” Liz raced to the other end of the house. She lightly knocked on the door. No answer. She opened the door slowly and was relieved to see most of the clothes were still on. She slipped inside. “Max.”

“What?” He jumped to his feet.

“Sorry... your dad is here.” Liz watched the shock cross his face. “He’s in the living room. I literally ran into him on my way out.”

“Tell him I’ll be right there.” Max slumped over for a moment then straightened his clothes. “What kind of mood?”

“Well, he thought you had come to your senses when he saw me.” Liz pursed her lips. “At least he’s making an effort to talk to you Max. Kyle... I’d stay here if I were you.”

Kyle nodded. Max followed her out to the living room. Liz stood there with them for a minute. “I have to go. Bye Max, bye Mr. Evans.”

“Bye Liz.” Max nodded. It was silent for five minutes after the door shut signaling Liz’s departure from the house. “How have you been?”

“Your mother’s going crazy.”

“That’s because you and Isabel won’t let her talk to me.”

“Don’t pin this on us.” Philip raised his voice.

“You made it clear you didn’t want me in your house... why should I let you into mine?” Max countered. “Why did you come here?”

“Isabel is getting married.” His father finally said.

“Why didn’t she tell me herself?”

“You know why.”

“Fine. Tell her I said congratulations. To both her and Alex.” Max took a deep breath. “Let me guess... I’m not invited to her wedding.”

“I just thought you should know.” Both men nodded then they realized someone else was in the room.

“I’m not interrupting anything am I?” Michael stood in the living room entrance.

“He’s not the new...” Philip trailed off.

“No, I’m not your son’s new boyfriend. Max is still with Kyle.” Michael crossed his arms. “I’m Liz’s fiancé.”

“Oh really. How interesting. I should be going.” The older man got up and walked out of the house without another word to anyone.


“No, Alex.” Isabel reclined in her chair, signaling the end of the matter.

“So, Liz and Michael can’t come because they’re still being friends with Max. That’s real mature Iz.” Alex added them to the guest list anyway. “They’ll sit on my side. They’ll be my friends... all four of them.”

“What? I said no.”

“This is my wedding too. I may not have been a very good friend to them over the past two years but no more. This is my big day too and I want them to be there.”

“He’s right honey.” Diane Evans whispered.

“No.” Isabel insisted.

“Elizabeth Parker, Michael Guerin, Max Evans and Kyle Valenti are all now on the groom’s guest list. I’m pulling them out of Exile.” Alex wrote out the invitations himself. “I’m going to hand deliver them so they get them.”

Ring. Ring.

“Hello.” Isabel answered the phone with a huff. She listened for a minute then hung up the phone.

“Who was it honey?” Mrs. Evans asked softly.

“It was Max. Said congratulations.” She set her jaw. “How did he know?”

“Your father. He went to tell him today, sweetie.”


Liz and Max stepped into the Crashdown and headed over to the counter. Jeff smiled and hurried over to meet them. “Hey there. I haven’t seen you guys in a long time. Where’s Michael?”

“He’s parking the truck.” Liz smiled then got serious. “Is Mom here?”

“Yeah, she’s upstairs. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. We just have something to tell you guys.” Liz turned when the chimes marked Michael’s entrance. “Let’s go upstairs and talk.”

Max watched the three of them disappear into the back of the restaurant. He sipped his cherry coke and waited. Kyle was supposed to meet them soon. He continued to stare at the diamond window on the employee door until a voice broke his trance.

“Surprised to see you in public.”

“Alex. How’s it going?”

“Same old. You?”

“Fine, just fine.” Neither person looked at each other. That way they could honestly say they hadn’t seen each other.


“He’ll be here soon.”

“Good. That’s good.”

“Liz? Michael?”

“They’re upstairs right now.”

“Oh. Thanks for the warning.” Alex sighed. “It serious?”

“As serious as it gets.”

“Hey geek.” Kyle walked up behind them.

“Hey Jock.” Alex gave him a small smile.

“They still up there?” Kyle looked over Max’s head at the window.

“No bodies have been thrown down the stairs yet. I think that’s a good sign.” Max laughed nervously.

“What’s going on?” Alex got really curious.

“Michael’s talking to the parents about his intentions regarding their daughter.” Kyle smirked and took a gulp of Max’s coke.

“What?” Alex tilted his head at his former best friends.

“It’s not our place to tell.” Max glanced back at the window. Liz was standing on the staircase moving her hands around wildly. Michael was trying to pull her away from whomever she was talking to. Then Liz spun around and pushed past Michael into the main dining room. Kyle caught her in a hug. Max watched Michael pointing up the staircase, talking quietly. Michael joined them in the dining room.

“Babe. It’ll be fine.” Michael pulled Liz into his arms. She was quietly sobbing. “We’ll do it like I said. We’ll drive out to the Reservation with Max and Kyle as witnesses. I’ll buy you the dress you want, I’ll even get a tux. We’ll go down to the studio and get our pictures taken. We’ll work everything out. I promise.”

“You guys are getting married?” Alex spoke up. It wasn’t until that moment that Michael and Liz realized he was there. Alex was confused. He just thought they were having some sort of fling, he didn’t think it was in any way serious. “When was I going to find out? When the limo rolled by my house with the just married sign?”

“Whitman...” Michael started.

“No, Michael. Let me.” Liz wiped at her eyes and turned to face Alex. “Michael asked me to marry him last week. Kyle saw the ring and found out. He told Max. We’re here to tell my parents. My dad is happy, my mother hates me. After she knew then we were going to tell people. Now you know.”

“Well, then... congratulations. I wish you both the best.” Alex smiled to show he’d been joking.


“Chili.” Kyle chucked the can down the aisle at Max, who caught it and tossed it into the basket.

“You two have got to be the weirdest gay couple on the planet.” Michael shook his head. He had his arms wrapped around Liz as they made their way down the aisle.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Max tossed him a look.

“I mean, which one of you is the chick?” Michael shrugged. Liz started laughing.

“I think the point is neither one of them is a chick.” She nuzzled his neck.

“What is with your man? It’s been like three years and still... still he’s not used to us.” Kyle tossed more cans and boxes into the basket.

“Don’t worry, he’ll be before we all die.” Liz pulled him down the aisle and into the next coming face to face with Sheriff and Amy Valenti. “Hi... Sheriff.”

“Afternoon, Ms. Parker.”

“It’s uh... Mrs. Guerin now.” Liz whispered, stealing a glance at Amy. The woman didn’t look at her.

“Congratulations. I uh... didn’t get an invitation.” Valenti smiled.

“It was a small ceremony. Just us, Dad, Max and Kyle.” Liz hurriedly rushed through. “We... we’re having announcements made to send out. You know, with pictures of us...”

“How is he?” Jim stared down at his boots.

“He’s still angry.” Her voice got even softer.

“He’s in the next aisle.” Michael added.

“I’ve tried to talk to him. I have.” Jim sighed. “I know I made a mistake. Will you tell him I said so?”

“Why don’t you tell him yourself?” Max’s voice floated over. “He’s two aisles down now.”

“I would if he’d speak to me. You’ve accepted my apology.” Jim turned to his son’s lover.

“He doesn’t know that he can trust you. You didn’t listen to him, you didn’t want to hear what he had to say.” Max turned to follow the path his lover had taken.


Liz held Kyle in his bed. He’d gotten upset and Max was out of town. It was just after midnight, it was the anniversary of the first day things went to hell.

“Why does he stay with me?” Kyle whispered. “He could have any girl, any guy he wanted. He could have a normal life.”

“No, he couldn’t have a normal life. Not with you, not without you.” Liz stroked his head. “He loves you.”

“Because of me... he’s not allowed in his childhood home. His dad doesn’t speak to him. His sister doesn’t acknowledge him... not even when he congratulated her on getting engaged to Alex.”

“What about you? You don’t talk to your dad. He misses you.”

“Come on. He doesn’t. You heard him, you were there. If it wasn’t me that did it... it was Max. That’s the way he feels. He won’t listen to me.”

“He told Max he was sorry.”

“He hasn’t told me.”

“Because you won’t talk to him.”


“Tess, no! I will not have her at my wedding.” Alex yelled.

“I won’t have those men there at MY wedding. If they come then she comes.” Isabel yelled right back. “And as for those traitors... I won’t have them there either.”

“You are out of control. Mr. and Mrs. Guerin are coming. Michael and Liz have done nothing wrong!”

“They forgot about HER!”


“Figures that Iz would choose today for her big day.” Max crossed his arms and waited impatiently for Kyle to get dressed.

"Liz said she's trying to make a point." Kyle shrugged and adjusted his tie.

"Why can't she understand? Why doesn't she believe?" Max slammed his hand on the dresser. Kyle shot up off the bed.

"Hey! Calm down. You gotta let her have time to let things settle." Kyle rubbed Max's arms.

"Three years isn't enough time?" Max nearly crumpled into tears. He let Kyle hold him as he sank to the ground.

"It's alright. We'll go and watch her get married. I know you. I know you and if you let her get married without you there... you'll kill yourself." Kyle stroked his lover's hair. "You already gave Alex your blessing. That meant alot to him."

"I miss her."

"Yeah, I know. You know she'll kill herself later for not inviting you. Who knew Whitman had the balls to stand up to her?" They both laughed.


"Would you settle down?" Michael groaned as Liz paced their bedroom.

"I'm nervous is all. Everyone's going to be there." Liz wrung her hands. "Alex said that Tess is going to be there."

"You're kidding." Michael's eyes widened. "Do Max and Kyle know?"

"I don't know." Liz froze. "Should we warn them?"

Part 2

Max and Kyle let themselves be ushered to seats near the front of the chapel. Liz and Michael soon joined them. Alex turned from his place at the altar to smile at them and mouth a 'thank you'.

Max glanced over at the people his sister had invited. Immediately his eyes caught the frizzy-haired blonde. Tess Harding. The cause of all his problems. Kyle felt him tense up and followed his gaze. "What is she doing here?"

"Obviously someone still believes Tess is completely innocent." Max seethed.

"Calm down, babe." Kyle took his hand. "If she were a man I'd take her down... Hell, if she were just human I'd take her down."

"I can't stay." Max started to get up.

"Sit your ass down Evans." Kyle hissed. "You came to watch your sister get married and that's what you're gonna do. We'll deal with Tess later."


Isabel smiled brightly as she walked down the aisle with her father to meet her future husband. A future that was only minutes from completion. She could feel her brothers in the room but her smile never faltered. They were not going to ruin this for her.


The reception was held at a local country club. It was filled with lots of people for Isabel to show off for. The foursome from the house on Destierro St watched from their table. Max shook his head and watched his sister work the lawn. "I'm going to go congratulate her."

"I'll be here." Kyle nodded.

"We're going to go dance." Liz took Michael's hand and left.

Kyle sipped his drink and kept his eye on Max and Isabel's exchange. Curt and solemn. He barely noticed the shadow that fell over him.

"Well, well... if it isn't Kyle Valenti. I would have thought you'd be in prison for what you did." Tess's voice, with its saccharine sweetness, irked Kyle to say the least.

"Shouldn't you be in Hell with a pitchfork up your ass?" Kyle returned calmly. He refused to look up at her.

"Didn't you miss me?"

"Like I'd miss having a root canal... I take that back. I'd rather have a root canal than to be in your presence." Kyle stood to face her.

"Have you been treating my Max good?"

"He's mine."

"If you say so but I wouldn't count on you keeping him long." Tess winked. It took Kyle all his self-control not to slap that smirk off her face. "So... mistrial was it? Hung jury?"

"Innocence people don't go to prison... but then it seems guilty people don't either." He glared.

"Why who would that be?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"What do you want Tess?" Kyle clenched his fists.

"Not a thing. Not a thing." Tess turned to walk away only to come face to chest with Max. "Hello Max."

"Tess." He bit out.

"Come now, don't you miss me?" She ran a hand down his chest.

"Don't touch me. I know what you did. I want you to stay away from me and my family." Max growled.

"What did I do? You have proof Counselor Evans?" Tess smirked and walked off.

"I hate her." Max spat after her.

"You and me both." Kyle whispered.

"You ok?" Max took his hand, not caring who was watching.

"I'm fine. She's just trying to get a rise out of me." Kyle squeezed his hand back and sat. "We're here for the food so where is it?"


The toast was given and cake passed around. Isabel had seen the exchange earlier between Max, Kyle and Tess. She just didn't get it. Max had chosen Kyle over Tess time and time again. She wondered what exactly they knew about that night that she didn't.

Alex smiled at his bride, Mrs. Isabel Whitman. Then he saw the clouds in her eyes. She was thinking about them again. He took her hand and raised it to his lips. She returned to her reception and her new husband. "It wasn't so horrible was it?"

"No, I guess not. I ever tell you how much I love you?" Isabel tilted her head at him.

"Even if you don't say it, I know." His blue eyes beamed. "Don't worry about them. It was just important they were all here."

"But they aren't all here... are they?"


"Demon, 9 o'clock." Liz hissed to the table. Michael clutched her hand tight. Max and Kyle locked hands as Tess made her way over.

"Calm down. Meeting in the private room with the man and woman of the hour." Tess sighed and kept moving.

"What do you think it's about?" Liz whispered.

"Only one possible thing." Max murmured. "If anyone else has noted the date. It's nearing the hour..."


Max leaned against the wall of the private room. Kyle sat in the chair beside him. Liz and Michael on the couch across the way. Isabel and Alex stood in the center of the room. Tess was the only one relaxing in her seat.

Before anyone could speak, the door opened. Philip stepped in then looked over the contents of the room. "People are looking for you sweetie."

"Ok, Dad. I'll be out soon." Isabel nodded. When the door shut they all had the same day in their minds. The night exactly three years ago.


The cops had just left the Evans house with Kyle in handcuffs. Max had watched in shock. With all the grief in the house and then cops. Max grabbed his jacket to follow them.

"Where are you going?" Philip demanded.

"To get him out." Max said.

"After what he did?" Isabel nearly screamed at him. All Alex's attempts to get her to settle down came to naught.

"He didn't DO anything." Max yelled back. Michael barely registered the argument about to get out of hand. Liz was in a similar state.

"Didn't DO anything? She's dead!" Isabel finally reached the loudness she wanted.

"He didn't kill her. Tess did!" He shot right back. Tess didn't say a word, she barely had the grace to look upset.

"How dare you come into my house with him, defend him and accuse innocent people?" Philip roared.

"Innocent until proven guilty... isn't that what we do?" Max stepped to his father.

"Yes, it is. Just because he's your lover doesn't make him innocent."

"Philip please." Diane whispered trying to calm them down.

"It has nothing to do with that!" Max yelled. "He didn't do it. Tess did!"

"No!" Isabel shrieked. "He took away my best friend and now to defend him you're accusing my other best friend. It doesn't work Max!"

"Since when is she your best friend? You can't stand her." Max pulled on his jacket.

"If you leave to go after him... don't come back." Philip said quietly, taking his daughter into his arms.

"If that's the way you want it." Max stormed out of the house.

"I hate you!" Isabel screamed after him.


"Dad, you have to believe me." Kyle pleaded. Valenti crossed his arms.

"There's no one in the other room." His dad said softly. "Did he do it?"

"What?" Kyle sat back in his chair as if he'd been pushed.

"Did he do it? Did he kill her? Are you covering for him?" Jim started pacing.

"What? What are you saying? You think Max did it?" Kyle felt like he'd just been punched over and over in the gut. It was so hard to breathe. There was a knock on the door. Jim ran over to open it.

"No, not yet." He slammed the door shut. "If you didn't, then he must have. Tell me what happened."

"I don't know what happened. I didn't do it. Neither did Max. One minute she was crouching a few feet from the edge and the next she was falling over." Kyle started crying. "It wasn't my fault."

Liz burst into tears on the other side of the glass. Michael's tears fell silently. They didn't know what to believe. They had been too far away. Once they realized what was going on... it was too late. Suddenly Liz found herself hugging Michael. They had both lost her. Maria was dead.

They listened to the Sheriff and Kyle's voices while they held on to each other.

"Just tell me what happened."

"I was getting the fire ready, Max was fixing the poles in the tent a few feet away. Maria was looking at something near the edge. Tess was pulling the food out of the cooler on the other side of the firepit. Isabel and Alex were inside their tent. Liz was writing in her journal and Michael was setting up his tent."

"Then what?"

"The air felt like it was alive. Charged with energy. I heard the scuffling sound. I looked up just as she fell over and I dove for the edge. I caught her hands... but I only had her fingers and she slipped. I couldn't hold on to her. She was screaming." Kyle's breathing came fast with his sobs. "I couldn't keep her from falling. I almost followed her over but Max pulled me back."

"Isabel says you pushed her over."

"What? Why would I do that? She was my sister."

"I can't get involved in this case Kyle. When you talk to the investigators you know what to leave out... I want to know. Did Max do it?"

"No! Why don't you believe me?" Kyle yelled. "Wait... Isabel was in her tent. She couldn't have seen a thing."

"Tess says you pushed her too."

"What? How could she say that? She was right there."

"You said there was energy in the air. Maybe Max..."

"I said it *felt* like there was energy in the air. It didn't feel the way it does when Max uses his powers. It was different."

"You can't cover for him. If he did it..."

"Don't you hear a thing I'm telling you? It was an accident. No one pushed her. She didn't jump either."

"Then what happened?"

"I don't know." No matter how many times he said that it was an accident or it wasn't his fault, none of it seemed true.


Isabel spoke first. "Thank you all for coming. It really means alot to Alex and me."

"Wouldn't have missed it." Tess smiled sweetly.

"Why don't you just get to it Isabel?" Michael stared up at the ceiling before meeting her eye.

"I can't accept this, the way things are. You guys should just come clean." Isabel finally said.

"Come clean about what?" Liz whispered.

"About all the things that have happened."

"I haven't done anything." Michael wrapped an arm around his wife.

"Me either." Liz leaned into him.

"Me either." Max crossed his arms.

"Me either." Kyle joined in and looked at Tess pointedly.

"Don't look at me. I'm innocent." She crossed her legs.

"Something happened that night." Alex finally spoke. "Whether she wants to admit it or not, Isabel is not entirely sure about what she thinks she knows about that night."

"None of us are." Kyle whispered. Silence filled the room.

"Things were so confusing then." Isabel started talking. "First I walked in on my brother and his lover... outing them to our parents. A month later we all went camping and my best friend goes over a cliff and takes a week to die from her injuries. She couldn't even let us know what happened. She's probably still the only one who knows. Kyle gets charged with murder, Max defends him. Hung jury. Liz moved away for a year. When she comes back, she starts dating Michael, who has moved in with my gay brother and his lover. Now it's Mr. and Mrs. Guerin and Mr. and Mr. whatever living in the one house on Destierro." Isabel drew in a ragged breath. "I just want things to be normal again."

"Things were never normal Iz." Max said softly. "Whether you want to believe it or not... Maria's death was not our fault."

"In ten minutes... ten minutes it'll be exactly three years since she died." Isabel whispered. "I just want to know what happened."

"She's tired of being angry." Alex summed up for his friends. "She wants to know why Liz and Michael got married. Why Max and Kyle are together. Why Maria died..."

"God! You guys are pathetic." Tess muttered then her eyes went wide as Alex's blue eyes turned steel on hers.

"I heard that." Alex growled. "It was you wasn't it?"

Tess's mouth opened and shut. She hadn't meant for anyone to hear her. Before she could move, Max was practically on top of her, holding her head straight so he could look into her eyes to make a connection.


Tess glared at the cute couple that Max and Liz made in high school.

She danced when they broke up in college.

She cried when Max and Kyle announced to their families that they were gay and together.

She plotted and then the perfect situation arose. Maria was examining a pretty rock near the edge of the cliff. It was simple. Kyle was the closest. Tess gave Maria a little shove with her powers and she flew over the edge. Kyle dove for her and she slipped out of his fingers. Kyle almost went over but Max saved him.

It was perfect. Tess told Valenti that Kyle had pushed her. She planted the image in Isabel's head. Isabel told Valenti the same thing.

It was beautiful. Maria was dead. Michael would turn to Isabel. Kyle did it. Max would turn to her.

She fumed after hearing about the mistrial.


Max pulled himself away from Tess in disgust. Kyle caught the expression. "Max, what did you see?"

He didn't answer. Max's eyes were still locked on Tess's as he backed into the wall. Michael and Isabel watched how both alien's faces were fixed in determination. Then they felt it. Energy building. Isabel couldn't distinguish whose it was. It wasn't until Kyle dove for Max that she figured it out. The window next to where Max had been standing shattered.

"Tess?" She whispered. The smaller woman turned to her, her eyes were empty.

"What the hell was that?" Michael yelled as he jumped to his feet. Placing his body in front of his wife. "What do you think you're trying to do?"

"I've only felt energy like that once before." Kyle said getting to his feet.

"Why did you do that? You could have killed him." Isabel turned to Tess, gathering her own energy just in case.

"What are you doing Tess?" Michael started gathering his as well. Tess remained silent and stared past Isabel. Max was struggling to get to his feet.

"None of you ever listen." Was the small woman's only sentence as the static in the air grew. Kyle pulled Max to his feet and moved him out of the broken glass. The noise from the reception outside had drifted in. No one had heard the explosion. Max shook his head and glanced around. Alex was edging his way around to Liz, also edging her way toward him. "I'm right, dammit. I'm always right."

Kyle felt Max push him away towards the other. Then the familiar tingle of Max's energy building reached him. Max shoved him this time. "Tess, what made you think you could just push her like that?"

"She was in the way." Tess turned her attention back to Max.

"You're such a damn bitch." Isabel hissed. The importance of this conversation wasn't lost on the others in the room.

"First Liz, then Kyle. Maria was just a pawn. She died, Kyle should have been out of the picture. I didn't figure on Liz coming back into it. Really making the rounds, huh Liz? Alex would never be too hard to get rid of. That's why I was saving him for last." Tess's eyes got even darker. The energy in the room started moving out, shaking the room.

"Damn bitch." Michael muttered. He raised his hand and got ready. Isabel narrowed her eyes. Max knew what he had to do. He tossed his energy at Tess. She reacted immediately against it and threw out her own to block it. Isabel shot hers out next, catching her off guard and knocking her to the ground. Michael approached, his energy holding her to the floor. He knelt down and locked eyes with her. His hand met her chest and he connected.

Tess screamed as her body heated up. Michael never wavered. He whispered to the troublemaker. "This is for Maria."

Her body went limp.

Michael stood up, shaking. The remaining five gathered around. No one knew what to say or who to say it to.

The room was silent except for the music still drifting into the room through the broken window. The wedding reception was still going strong outside the country club, totally oblivious to the supernatural events that had taken place inside.

Part 3

Max watched Kyle stare at his papers. His notes were blank and the screen cursor blinked once more before the screensaver turned on. Kyle didn't even look up, he knew Max was standing there. "I was beginning to believe that I had killed her. She was my sister and she died because I couldn't move quick enough. I couldn't hold on to her."

"It wasn't your fault." Max whispered.

"I keep trying to tell myself that. After it happened, when she died, when I got arrested, during the trial." Kyle leaned forward, pushing his keyboard out of the way. "I envy Michael."


"It was his right for what that monster did to Maria but... I would have liked to take her down myself." He raked his fingers over his face and tugged at his tie. "You talk to... him?"

"Your dad said he'd take care of everything. Lucky for us no one else liked her much. No one will care that she's gone." Max stepped into the office and sat on the edge of the desk. "She was really sick. I mean beyond like human standards of course."

"Of course." Kyle nodded. "It didn't ruin your sister's honeymoon did it?"

"I don't know. They haven't come back yet. I don't know if she'll call when she does get back."

"Your dad?"

"What can I tell him that he'll believe? Assuming that he'd want to talk to me that is." Max closed his eyes and heard screams in his head. Kyle's when he dove for the edge. Maria's when she slipped out of Kyle's grasp. Tess's as she died in the country club private room.

"How about the truth?" Kyle whispered taking his lover's hand.

"Yeah, I'll just walk up to Philip Evans the lawyer, the most logical man in the world and I'll tell him the truth. I'm an alien. Tess was an alien. So are Isabel and Michael. We can do things no one else can do. We can heal but we couldn't heal Maria because she was unconscious. Tess can make people see things that aren't there." Max gripped Kyle's hand tighter. "He'll believe every word is a lie."

"You sure about that?"

"If you hadn't gotten shot... would you have believed it?" Max turned to face him. Kyle didn't answer. "That's what I thought."

"Maybe... you and Isabel should tell him together. I mean, my dad believed it." Kyle shrugged.

"So he's your dad now?" Max smirked. Kyle rolled his eyes.

"Yeah. I guess he is." He shook his head and wrapped his arms around Max.

"You should talk to him. He misses you."

"Even if he was sorry for accusing me... what about Amy? She still believes one of us pushed her only daughter." Kyle whispered. "We never told her..."

"Your dad will take care of that. If you talk to your dad... I'll talk to mine."



Max entered the corridor that led to the other side of the house. He took his time, listening for any signs that he should wait. "Get a hold of yourself. Liz asked you to mediate. Be a friend and do it."

He knocked lightly on their door. Michael opened it and let him in. Liz sat on the edge of the bed, eyes red from crying. "Maxwell."

"Hey guys. So... uh... where do we start?" Max clapped his hands together.

"He's being an ass." Liz bit her lip. "He's convinced that he's going to hurt me. Like I didn't know what he was or what he could do when I agreed to get involved with him."

"I couldn't take you getting hurt." Michael whispered.

"She's dead! She can't hurt anyone anymore." Liz's tears started anew.

"She's right, Michael. Tess is out of our hair forever. Nothing's going to bring Maria back." Max said softly. Michael turned and stared out the window.

"You don't understand. I've taken a life. I killed Pierce. I killed Maria and I killed Tess."

"You didn't kill Maria, Michael. Tess did." Liz pleaded with him.

"It's because of what I am that Maria died. It's my fault. If it wasn't for me then she'd still be here!" Michael roared.

"By that same theory... then I killed her Michael." Liz stood up and turned him to face her. "If it wasn't for me, none of this would have happened."

"That's not true. It was not your fault." Michael shook his head at her.

"Michael, it could very well be my fault. I healed Liz and that started this whole thing." Max pointed out the flaws in his reasoning. "Liz... tell him."

Michael looked down at his petite wife. "Tell me what?"

"No, I'm not telling you until I'm sure you're not leaving." She crossed her arms.

"Tell me, what does Fearless Leader know that I don't?"

"Promise me you're not going to leave. Promise me that you're going to stay here with me." She felt the tears sting her eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere. Is something wrong? Are you sick?" Michael really looked at her for the first time in weeks. "You're pale."

Liz looked at Max. He nodded and left the room.

"You aren't dying are you?" Michael sank to his knees as he recalled her behaviour over the past month. "You haven't been eating and you throw up everyday... and you take naps. You don't take naps. Tell me what's wrong."

"Michael, calm down. I'm not sick and I'm not dying." She bit her lip nervously and she motioned for him to sit. He leaned against the wall and waited.

"Tell me. You haven't been acting like yourself." He watched her sink onto the bed. Sighing, he knelt in front of her. "I'll never leave you. Please, tell me what's wrong."

"I'm pregnant."


Isabel stared out the plane window. Alex snored lightly beside her. She sighed. She and Alex had pretended their wedding had been perfect in every way. No thoughts of what happened at the reception. Some things were clearer but others were still bothering her. "Alex?"


"You awake?" She poked him in the side.

"I am now." He still didn't open his eyes.

"I need to talk about it. About her." She whispered.

"Now? Here?" His eyes sprang open.

"We'll be careful, I just need to get it out, Alex." She leaned her head on his shoulder. He took her hand in both of his and bent his head over hers.


"I'm not sorry that Tess is dead. I'm not. What she did was wrong... Max, I can forgive. It wasn't his fault. Kyle... yeah, Kyle too. He tried to save her." She whispered softly.

"What about Michael and Liz? What did they do?" Alex kissed her head.

"Alex, they forgot about her." Isabel sat up and stared at him. "How does it make you feel that your best friend is married to your dead best friend's boyfriend... her almost fiance?"

"I'm happy for them." Alex answered truthfully.

"How could they do that to Maria? Huh? Michael especially. He was going to ask Maria to marry him. She died... so what? He just moves on to her best friend."

"You know it wasn't like that. They gave each other comfort while... we waited and during the trial. Then Liz left. She didn't talk to anyone. It hurt her too much. When she came back... she sought out the one person who could feel like she did. Someone who didn't have anyone else, someone who had loved Maria as much as she did. Someone who felt the loss just as great."

"By that theory she would have fallen in love with me. I don't buy it." Isabel pulled her hand out of Alex's and turned back to the window. "Go back to sleep."


"Hey guys." Alex stepped into the lone house on Destierro.

"Hey Alex, how was the honeymoon?" Liz ushered him into the kitchen where the others had gone back to finish their lunch.

"You really want to know?" Alex raised his eyebrows at her.

"No!" Michael and Max said at the same time. Liz shook her head and returned to her seat. Alex pulled up a chair.

"It was nice." He nodded and watched the four of them.

Liz looked at her plate then furrowed her brow. She shrugged and kept eating. "That's good. So Niagara Falls, huh?"

"Yeah. It might've been nicer if it hadn't rained so much but then it wouldn't have been as fun." Alex grinned wide.

"Dude, you say one more word and this fork will have found a new home." Max threatened.

"You want something to drink?" Liz stood.

"Got a beer?"

"Sure." Liz smirked at him. "Kyle?"

"I could use another one." Kyle glanced away from his laptop long enough to realize what she was asking.

"Put it away." Max sneered at the machine.

"I'm almost done."

"You were almost done when we started eating. Put it away." Max hit the save button. "Corporate America can wait until you finish eating to get their report."

"Yes, dear." Kyle waggled his head and spoke in a high-pitched voice. Alex laughed. Liz just smiled and set the bottles on the table. She sat down and stared at her plate, confused. Suddenly she whirled on Michael.

"You! Stop it!" She smacked him upside the head.

"Hey! What?" He clutched his head.

"Quit putting food on my plate." She yelled at him. "I can eat what's on my plate without you putting more on it."

"If you'd actually eat then I wouldn't have to do it, now would I?" He countered. "And don't tell me you're eating right. You had a biscuit for breakfast, a candy bar for lunch and you're barely eating what you got there."

Liz was about to concede when she sat up straight. "Michael... honey... how did you know I had a candy bar for lunch? I mean. I had lunch with Victor from the lab... We were alone in the lab."

"Uh... I..."

"Right." She smacked him again.

"Aw... already fighting like my parents." Alex laughed.

"They are cute aren't they?" Kyle squished Michael's cheeks.

"Cut it out Valenti." Michael growled then turned to Liz. "You. Eat. Now."

"I'm not hungry so I'm not eating. If I get hungry, I'll eat. I'm not going to eat just cause you say so. I will not be fattened up like a heffer." Liz glared. "Are you this persistant with your students?"

"Oh don't you know it." Michael put another scoop of potatoes on her plate. "Eat. I will not have you starving my son."

"Michael... stop, quit it." Liz pushed his hands away from her plate.

"Whoa!" Alex spoke up. Had he heard that right? "Your son?"


Mrs. Isabel Whitman sat on her bed in her new apartment. She had heard the outside door open and shut. The voices were hushed but she knew they were all there. She knew her husband was standing outside their bedroom practicing an attempt to get her to leave the room. "Baby? Max and Kyle are here."

"So are Michael and Liz. I'm not coming out." She growled at the door.

"They have something really important to tell you." He paused. "They didn't want to tell you... but they realized that you had to hear it from them... come out."

"No. I don't want to hear anything that they have to say." Isabel stood and leaned against the door.

"Michael! Put those down." She heard Max yell.

"Why did she end up with them? I should have been the one to keep them."

"He's got my orbs." Isabel fumed and threw open the door. She stalked past Alex and into the main room where Michael was holding the orbs. "Put those down."

"No." He stared her down.

She stared at him right back. "Get out of my home."

"No. We have to tell you something." Michael didn't budge.

"I don't want to hear it. No matter what has happened in the past three weeks, you still betrayed Maria. You may have avenged her death but you're still shacking up with her best friend like she never existed." Isabel reached for the orbs.

"No. No. It's not like that and I won't have you saying things about my wife." Michael growled. "I loved Maria, I did... but she's gone."

"No excuse." Isabel spat.

"Hey now!" Max tried to separate them.

"I can't believe I wanted you to know we're pregnant." Michael bit out. Suddenly the three of them were still. Isabel's shocked face looked from Michael to Liz to the picture of Maria on the coffee table. Max's hands moved to theirs to pry them apart. Then a bright light shot out of the orbs.

Kyle watched in awe as the light filled the room and then concentrated itself on one spot before them. A figure in white appeared. Slowly they were able to make out the woman.


Liz gasped and grabbed Michael's arm.

"Max, Isabel, Michael, your people are something special. I get to leave some kind of message to everyone, even Kyle and Liz. This is so weird. I'm not exactly sure how much time has passed but I've been watching for a while now. I can't believe all the stuff that's been going on. Most of it is because of me but you don't gotta do that anymore. It's great here. I don't know where here is but it's great.

"Kyle, bro. You gotta talk to Dad, he's like sick worrying about you. Max... you gotta make up with Iz and your dad. You can't stay like that forever. Alex, keep taking care of everyone, I know you've been trying but we've got a bunch of bulls for friends. Izzy, I love you girl but your loyalty has gone too far. I don't hate that Michael and Liz found each other and are gonna have a baby but it doesn't hurt. Michael, Liz, I am so happy that you're happy.

"I don't have much time but I gotta tell you this. Max's son is supposed to lead the war but... we all know that's not going to happen. I'm having a little trouble explaining that around here. Michael, Liz, your kid is next in line. I hope you guys get this message. Do me a favor? First one to have a girl, name it after me? Please, please with a cherry on top? I love all you guys."

Her image faded, leaving the apartment dark and silent.

Kyle was the first to snap out of it. "She's so beautiful."

"Yeah." Max nodded and stepped away from his siblings. "Wow..."

"You can say that again..." Michael whispered, wrapping his arms around Liz.

"I can't believe that was her." Isabel dropped to the ground, still staring at the spot where Maria's image had been. Alex blinked then stepped over to her.

"She was just so... Maria." Liz wiped a tear from her cheek.

"Only Maria could find a happy hole in the wall in the afterlife." Alex laughed lightly. The others smiled not wanting to let go of the image in their heads of the way life was supposed to be.

"What happens now?" Kyle took Max's hand. The shock still lingered on everyone's faces as they tried to look at their formerly happy circle of friends. How were they going to move on from there?


Isabel stepped into the Evans/Valenti/Guerin house and found Liz and Max in the living room. "Uh... hi guys."

"Iz, you've got to feel this." Max was grinning wildly, his hand on top of Liz's round stomach. Isabel slowly walked into the room, glancing between her brother and the mother to be.

"I don't bite." Liz cracked. "You should take a look at your brother. This entertains him to no end."

Isabel broke into a smile and knelt beside the chair Liz was sitting in. Her hand hovered next to her brother's. "Can I?"

"Yeah. Max move your hand." Liz ordered. She took Isabel's hand and placed it where Max's had been. "This seems to be the hot spot."

After a few moments, Isabel felt a hard dull thump under her hand, she closed her eyes and smiled bigger. Then she could swear she felt a small connection to the tiny babe inside her friend. "Oh wow."

"It's amazing, isn't it?" Max broke into her thoughts.

"Okay, what am I missing?" Liz cleared her throat. "Every single time Max and Michael feel the baby kick... they get that same expression on their faces. Like they've tapped into some... I don't know... some high."

"You guys have felt this too?" Isabel slowly took her hand away.

"Michael sleeps with his hand right here." Liz shrugged.

"I felt him, Liz." Isabel couldn't stop smiling. "It's like I could feel his little soul. You can't feel it?"

Liz shook her head. Max just grinned. Then both he and his sister took Liz's hand and put it over the hot spot, putting their hands on top. After a few moments of the baby's kicking, Liz felt what her friends were talking about. She started crying.

"Oh Liz... are you okay?" Isabel whispered, taking her hands away.

"It's just... wow." She giggled. Then she got a thoughtful expression on her face. "Max, go get Kyle, he needs to feel this."


"I hate you!"

"No you don't. Come on, push, baby." Michael coached Liz.

"No! I swear I hate you. I'm never letting you near me again! AHH!!" Liz pushed hard and the scream just fled her throat. Her hand clamped down on his. Michael let out his own howl of pain.

"Liz, you gotta push again." Isabel commanded from where she stood behind the mid-wife. "Just one more time."

"I can't." Liz clutched the sheets tight and Michael's hand tighter. "I can't do it."

"Yes you can." Michael kissed her forehead. "Just once more and he'll be here. Come on."

"Just one more time. Just once more and it'll all be over." Liz whispered to herself and let out one last scream as she pushed her son from her body. She collapsed back on the bed, totally drained. Michael glanced around the room at the activity going on. The midwife spanked the baby and it let out a loud wail. Quickly, Michael healed his mangled hand. They cleaned off the baby and wrapped him in blankets.

"Here you go daddy." The rosy-cheeked old woman handed the boy to Michael. He panicked for a split second before allowing the woman to place him in his arms. Michael stared in awe at the bundle.

"Hey, little guy. I guess I'm your dad." Michael whispered to him. "Let's meet mommy now."

Michael waited until Isabel and the midwife had cleared up the dirty sheets and left before climbing onto the bed with the baby. Liz's eyes were closed.

"Baby, I got someone to cheer you up." Michael held up their child. Liz slowly opened her eyes and smiled at the sight of her baby in her husband's arms.

"He's beautiful Michael." She whispered.

"Yep." Michael took a deep breath and let it out slow. "I can't believe I helped make something this perfect..." He trailed off.

Liz took the baby from him and sat up, placing the baby between her legs. She examined him from head to toe. Counting each finger, each toe, kissing his tiny hands.

"What are you doing?" Michael whispered.

"Inventory." She grinned. She lightly rubbed her fingers over the hair covering the baby's head. "He's so beautiful, look at this..."

Michael followed her fingers to a little star shaped birthmark just behind his ear. "Well, what do you know..."


"What's the kid's name?" Kyle looked over Max's shoulder at the baby boy.

"Michael Mario Guerin." Liz and Michael said together. They smiled at each other. He kissed her lightly. "We're going to call him Mario."

"I just called Alex, he'll be here any minute... the plane just landed." Isabel announced walking into the room. She took baby Mario from Max and walked the length of the room with him.

"What are you thinking Evans?" Kyle noted Max's very silent demeanor since he'd been holding the baby.

"Just thinking." He sighed and leaned back into Kyle.

"You want one?"

"Maybe..." Max watched Liz and Michael cuddle and watch as Isabel stared at the baby in absolute awe. "I know Iz wants one now."

"We're not talking about Iz, we're talking about you." Kyle sighed and rested his chin on Max's shoulder.

"It'd be nice."

"I guess adopting is out... surrogate? I mean, nothing strange happened to Liz except for that pickles and ice cream episode but your mom said that was normal."

"I couldn't ask a woman to give up her baby. Even if... Liz never saw a doctor and surrogate mothers have to check in and all..."


"Not a one."


Max sighed and explained the whole thing to Mrs. Parker for the fifth time that evening.

"So, Michael's a warrior and my grandson will be a warrior." Nancy took a deep breath. "He really loves Liz?"

"I've only ever seen him like this with one other person." Max nodded his head.

"How many people know about this?" She looked around the room nervously at all the guests in her house.

"Liz, Kyle, Alex and Sheriff Valenti were the only ones who knew before the baby was born."

"She KNEW he was an... an.. a---lien," That last syllable was out in a whisper. "before the baby came?"

"She's known for years, Mrs. P. Back before we were dating."

"Oh dear lord." She sank into a chair. "I think this is finally hitting me."

"It's a little hard to digest at first. Don't worry about a thing. We've got it all under control." Max reassured her.

"If you say so... wait. Did you say that was before the baby was born? Who knows now?"

Kyle nodded to his dad and step-mom as he went to talk to his housemates. They finally knew everything. Things were tense but better than before. "Hey, guys, how's the critter?"

"Would you stop with the stupid names?" Michael growled. "He's a baby, not an animal."

"He's not human." Kyle pointed out.

"Hey, my little man is half." Liz protested. "I love him, his daddy loves him and his aunt and uncles love him... that's all that matters." She cooed to her son.

"This is why you don't get to be godfather." Michael pointed out. "That's up to the Whitmans if they'd ever get here."

"They went to get River Dog." Liz reminded him. "Can't do the ceremony without him."

"Why does the dweeb and the princess get to have godparent rights?" Kyle complained. "I'm childless, can't have kids... shouldn't Max and I get something out of this deal?"

"If you weren't such an ass, maybe." Michael shrugged and brushed his son's hair out of his face, making it stick up. He laughed when Liz smacked him.

"You didn't tell them." She whispered.

"Fine. Enough suffering." Michael rolled his eyes. "Maxwell! I gotta tell you something."

Max managed to get away from the Parkers and his own parents' questions and join the little group in the Parker living room. "What's up?"

"Michael and I have something to tell the both of you." Liz started while smoothing Mario's hair down out of its spikes.

"The whole Alex-and-Iz-as-godparents-thing... that was a ruse. We want you guys to be godparents too." Michael smirked as Mario's hair refused to cooperate.

"What?" Kyle blinked. "You're serious? Cause I was just joking, you really don't have to."

"Wow." Max whispered.

"Guys, if anyone were to happen to us, we'd want you two to take care of Mario... then Alex and Iz... our parents as last resorts." Liz smiled at her friends.

"We're here!" Isabel announced dragging Alex into the house. "River Dog's outside with Eddie. Let's go!"


They stood in a circle around Michael and Liz. Eddie helped River Dog make his way around the seven with his bowl of earth and ash. They all followed the chant softly.

River Dog touched Mario's head with the ashes, then he touched Liz and Michael. Then Max and Kyle. Then Alex and Isabel. He started the circle around them again, sprinkling the ashes in a circle around them, letting the wind pick up the particles and whisk them away.

The parents all watched silently from the side of the alley. Jim and Amy Valenti, Jeff and Nancy Parker, Phil and Diane Evans, Charles and Lucy Whitman. The wind picked up and a scent rose into the air.

River Dog stopped and glanced around at nothing. Michael and Liz picked up the scent first. They exchanged looks. Alex's eyes widened as he recognized the growing odor. Amy burst into joyous tears when she smelled it. Kyle grinned when he finally placed the smell of cedar.

The scent swirled around them all, light and relaxing. Acceptance.